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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I was wondering about the chronology of books in the Dragonlance Series.?

Question: I was wondering about the chronology of books in the Dragonlance Series!.!?
I've never read any, but a friend told me I should!. I'd like to read them in the order that would make the most sense; not necessarily the order in which they were written!. Any ideas anyone!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only way I can suggest reading them is by reading all of the same mini-series together!. They don't really reference to other books that much!. Once or twice, they'll bring up characters from other series', but not much!.

also, the reason there are so many Dragonlance books is because most of them were written by different authors!. There are many, many different people who have contributed!.

My two top suggested series' are:

The New Adventures
Characters- Nearra, Sindri, Davyn, Catriona, and Elidor!.
Plot- A girl named Nearra wakes up to find that she has no memory!. She has no memory because a dark wizard planted the spirit of an evil witch inside of her!. The series focuses on her going to different lands to be rid of the spirit and regain her memories!.

The Dragonlance Chronicles
Characters- Tas, Caramon, Raistlin, Sturm, Tanis, Flint, and Tika, a Plains Priestess, and her husband!.
Plot- A band of old friends meet to rid the land of an evil so terrible, no others can stand up to it!. She is mustering an army of draconians, and preparing to storm the land of Ansalon!. Her name is Takhisis, the Dark Queen!.

I also recommend:

The Legends Trilogy
Time of the Twins, War of the Twins, and Test of the Twins
Characters- Caramon, Raistlin, Tas, and Cryssania!.
Plot- It is about Raistlin's adventures as he spirals into evil!. Cryssania is the priestess who is convinced she can save him from his own evil!.

There is another one about Dragons, but I can't remember the mini-series title!.
Characters- Tas, Caramon, Raistlin, Tanis, Sturm, a High Priestess, her husband, and Flint!.
Plot- Is is a different series, but it is kind of also the between story for the Dragonlance Chronicles!. There is one part in the series where there is a huge gap, so they created this one to fill it!. The first one is about them going into the dwarven tunnels to seek refuge!. There they meet something that they never expected to see, for they were told it was a myth!.

Hope I helped!


There are over 190 books in the series!. Take a look at my source!.Www@QuestionHome@Com