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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In the twillight series, what exactly is imprinting and isnt jacob technically i

Question: In the twillight series, what exactly is imprinting and isnt jacob technically imprinted with bella!?
Edward compared himself to being imprinted to bella; wouldnt jacob be imprinted to her as well!? To me it seems like imprinted means a soulmate but apparently both people are forced to accept it or something like with Quil and that little girl!? Since Stephanie Meyer introduced the concept im sure Jacob realizes that he's imprinted with bella although he already knows he's in love with her!. this is confusing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, Jacob did not imprint on Bella!. I thought he did at first too, but upon further inspection I see that I was wrong!. Imprinting is more than just a soul mate, but I don't think I would be able to explain it better than Jacob did in the book (Eclipse, page 123)!.

On Stephenie Meyer's website, this is what she says about Jacob, Bella, and imprinting
*May contain spoilers*

Q!. Did Jacob imprint on Bella!?

A!. No!. And this is how you can be sure: in New Moon, after the first time Jacob becomes his wolf phase, he is mean to Bella!. He won't tell her what is wrong!. He says he can't see her anymore!. If he'd imprinted on Bella in that moment (and it happens the first time you see the person after you've phased), he would have answered all her questions!. Pretty much, he would have given her anything in the world she wanted!. (When he's staring at her on the bottom of page 173 in Eclipse, he's trying to make himself imprint on her!. But that's not something you can force!.)


Imprinting is like soul mates for werewolves!. After a person changes into a werewolf, then they look at everyone with new eyes!. Once a werewolf imprints on someone, it's like their whole world revolves around the girl!.
Jacob didn't imprint on anybody yet!. He just loves Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob has not imprinted on Bella yet!. i no , its realllyyy confusing but if Jacob imprinted on Bella then they would instantly would hav known they were made for each other as soon as jacob turned into a werewolf!. and u are kinda right on the definiton imprint, cuz in the book stephenie meyer describes imprinting as when u instantly see your soulmate kind of like love at first sight!.
hope this helps =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you are correct about "imprinting"!. Jacob Black didn't imprint on Bella however because when she arrives at Jacob's houose to demand to know what's going on, he is mean to her, and is able to walk away!. It happens as soon as you look at the person and this didn't happen to Jacob!. This is confusing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive said this before and will keep saying it until breaking dawn comes out and gives us all a def answer!!


now i know it doesn't once mention that Jacob has imprinted on Bella, but also no where in the book (to my knowledge) does it say that he has definitely not imprinted on Bella!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imprinting is when a werewolf sees a girl and he automatically loves them!. the werewolfs have no choice but the girl s/he imprints does have a choice!. jacob hasn't imprinted bella he just loves her anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even though Meyer says no, it still seems like it!.
Jacob Black will imprint on a squirrel!.
