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Question: More theories for Breaking dawn!?
okay I know these theories are getting old but I can't wait to read the book!. anyway one more theory is that Tanya will try and hurt Bella or do something to Bella because she likes Edward!. ( I know Tanya is in the story because of the quotes from the book in Stephenie Meyer's website!.) anyway I think something like that will happen and Jacob will blame Edward and they will get in some sort of fight !. anyway this is what I thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

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here are some things i got from other people

Bella and Edward have a baby named Nessie and then Jacob imprints on her!. But that can't happen because vamps can't have babbies, but is is possible that Jacob imprints on Nessie!.

Heres another one, Tanyas family, the Cullens, Vamp Bella, and the Wolves fight the Volturi because they changed Bella

Charlie gets with Sue Clearwater!.

This one is kind of out there but Seth didn't get to pick up all of Riley and he resambled himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hope tanya will just move on because Edward obviosly doesnt like tanya because he is getting married!!!! but i really think that the wolves and the vampires will fight for some reason and i hope that the fight scene happens because that will make it really exciting! and i hope the vampires win so that bella can become a vampire!.
3 MORE DAYS!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Jacob will imprint on Tanya, it would be a weird twist to the story to see what happens when a werewolf imprints on a vampire!. I also know that Bella and Edward will get married and I hope Bella becomes a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella gets pregnant when BEFORE she is turned into a vampire!. Then is is turned after she gives birth or something along those lines!. Her daughter, Nessie, is a half blood!. And Jacob imprints on her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


All my theories rotate around the fact that Smeyer refuses to tell us what happens when a vampire bites a werewolf!. Think about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the volturi wil come in the honeymoon or when they are erally not wanted!. and i think tanya will be so jealous of bellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com