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Question: What steps should i go about writing a book !.!.!. fantasy novel!?
last chapter first!.!.!. etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I always wanted to right a novel since I was a kid!. I used to write stupid little stories that made no sense but were a joy to read!. I think you should definitely brainstorm first!. Start with a small idea and grow upon that!. After, you can develop your characters, plot, setting, blah!. You should also try writing outside the home!. You'd be surprised what kind of ideas pop into your head when your around nature!. Conclusion: let the ideas flow, don't stop writing because you think something doesn't make sense, thats what editors are for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well with fantasy u need to figure out what the plot is going to be and the characters!. u need the climax and how it is the problem of situation in the story going to be solved!.
If u plan on getting this book published u need to talk to a publishing company and get some information on what steps u need to take with that company!. every company is different!. also most publisist are not willing to read a complete manurscript onless u have spoken to them previously about the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Characters!. If you don't love your characters, you'll never get anywhere!. Choose wisely so you'll be able to identify with them and stand by them!.

2) Setting!. Time period and place!. The place can be a little vague if you want, but you *have* to have the time period!.

3) Goal!. This doesn't have to be an overall outline detailing everything!. (I personally enjoy writing a book where I don't yet know the ending!.!.!.lol)!. It just needs to be what you want out of the book!. !.!.!.You may simply want to write a good romance!. But, really, even in that case, it's a good idea to still have another goal!. This will give your story more depth!. It could be something as simple as!.!.!."I want to write a novel which, although set in a different time period, gives insight into the struggles of teens today!." !.!.!.or!.!.!. "I want to explore the effects of suffering in a person's outlook and our appropriate response to it!." Whatever you want!. :)

Hope this helps! Good luck with your story! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

if its romantic:

a girl's sexual fantisies

or :

just about a girl dreaming about what her life would be like if she had a perfect husband!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um, you write it!. Figure out your characters, plot, and world!. Then just start writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read James A Mitchner's book "The Novel"Www@QuestionHome@Com