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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Im writing a book ... fantasy/romance... brainstorm with me?

Question: Im writing a book !.!.!. fantasy/romance!.!.!. brainstorm with me!?
my book will consist of everything from vampires to selki if i want!.!. but i need the idea of a philosophy behind it and i cant choose one i like!.!.!. i want cool things to happen it it!.!. but i need ideas of how to start!.!.!. anything from cool guy names to scenes youd like to see i would appreciate much !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
how about they start out alone in different schools but in a past life they were inluv but both died! they were reborn into the same life luckily and find eachother!.!.!. then they remember there past together once they see eachother!. after awhile they find a portal back to the world where they came from and stuff like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

this is just an idea that i came up with but didn't know how to work with!.

start outby picking on creature!. like mine was going to be like a star but thats kinda hard!. have them live in a place in either a different part of the world/earth!. then have the 2 people split up!. (background info) then once u get that have the girl live a normal life in school but with thoughts going back to where she once was!. then a new kid will show up (namely the guy that left her)!. have him different so she wont know then have them go through a whole series of stuff!.

good luck <33Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would help!.!.!. but like ALL my ideas went into my book!.!.!.
sorry!. i really wish i could help<3Www@QuestionHome@Com