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Question: How do you annotate a book for high school!?
The book is "To Kill A Mockingbrid" by Harper Lee
I have to annotate chapters 10 & 26Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1- Underline important quotations!. For examiners/teachers, these are a good starting point for discussion

2- Write down points in the chapter- for example, you might conclude that in Chapter 10 Scout has grown in maturity (purely an example, probs not true)!. Then you'll need to underline things backing that up

3- If something is worded in a metaphorical or ambiguous way, explain it:
'Shoot all the bluejays you want but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird'
Obviously you'll have this as an important quote too, but just write what it means:
don't pick on innocent people who can't defend themselves

4- Make note of people's reactions to events!. So when the dog is shot, Atticus feels blank just as if he has done his job!. This is an important point and you must pick up on these!.

5- Finally link quotations and events!. You could say that by accusing Tom of rape, Ewell is 'killing a mockingbird'

That's it, basically!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you annotate anything important,the climax,new charcters, charcter descrriptions, give some thought to some quotes,give your point of veiw!.Www@QuestionHome@Com