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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How is my writing (beginning of story I never finished)?

Question: How is my writing (beginning of story I never finished)!?
It was early!. Beyond the stormy skies hid a blanket of black freckled with dimming stars!. The haggard streets rested!. Rain fell gently, a subtle mist, and, in the distance, thunder growled softly, protectively!.

Under a streetlight casually stood a boy of twelve or so!. His gaunt wet face glistened under pale orange hair, heavy with rain and matted against his head!. In one hand, he clutched a slender flashlight!. Occasionally, the unpredictable streetlight would flicker and die, abandoning the boy in the looming dark!. Only the wavering beam of the flashlight could convince the boy that the world had not waned away as well!.

There were footsteps!. The boy rounded the corner and pointed the light at a figure!.

A girl some years older squinted through the light!. "Put it out, kid," she said!. She was a whole head taller, with brown hair slicked behind her ears and a sharp face!. She rubbed spots from her eyes and blinked several times!. Her eyes!.!.!.!.(more)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your writing is extremely, extremely good!!!
Since you wanted some constructive criticism, here's mine: use fewer adjectives ('gaunt wet face!.!.!.pale orange!.!.!.') - it can get repetitive after a while!. But I absolutely adore the way you write!! Keep doing it!
p!.s!. -don't post your work ever again on yahoo answers!. Anyone can copy it and use it as their own work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Omg!! this story is so ggod!. you have to continue it!!
I love the way you write, it is really interesting and amazing!.!!!!

Keep on writing like that!.


I like your dialogue!. I love dialogue :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writing is AWESOME!!! finish story and then publish!! in the begining though you might want to take out a few details because it is a litle bit much but Keep Writing!!Www@QuestionHome@Com