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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Was the author of Alice in Wonderland on something....?

Question: Was the author of Alice in Wonderland on something!.!.!.!.!?
After reading the book and then watching the movie i noticed how weird and tripy some of the things are!.!.!.was the author on some type of drug that sparked inspiration for it!? this is a serious question!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I suppose he could have been!.
But it is aimed at kids so its gotta be fun and wacky and awesome!.
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Lewis Carroll had a wonderful imagination and a wacky sense of humour, which seems to have run in the family!. here for instance is a letter that was written to him when he was a boy by his father!. lewis had obviously asked his father to buy him some tools, and this is what his father wrote to him:

'I will not forget your commission!. As soon as I get to Leeds I shall scream out in the middle of the street, "Ironmongers, Ironmongers, Ironmongers!.!.!.!.I will have a file and a screwdriver and a ring, and if they are not brought directly, in forty seconds I will leave nothing bu tone small cat alive in the city of Leeds, and I shall only leave that, because I am afraid I shall not have time to kill it!." Then what a bawling and a tearing of hair there will be! Pigs and babies, camels and butterflies, rolling in the gutter together - old women rushing up chimney and cows after them - ducks hiding themselves in coffee cups, and fat geese trying to squeeze themselves into pencil cases - at last the Mayor of Leeds will be found in a soup plate covered up with custard and stuck full of almonds to make him look like a sponge cake, that he may escape the dreadful destruction of the town!.!.!.'

A crazy sense of humour ran in the family!. Lewis Carroll started writing humorous verse at the age of fourteen, and he was not on drugs!. Please remember, nobody has ever been inspired by drugs to do anything the slightest bit creative or useful!. Drugs dull the intellect and stupify, they do not inspire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try www!.lewiscarroll!.org
It says there's no evidence that he ever used drugs!. But then, all sorts of forbidden things went on in Victorian England!. Some people were very skillful in hiding their dark side!. Carroll's fondness for little girls, whom he photographed nude or in their underwear, attest to the fact that neither Oxford nor the clergy were his only interests/occupations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guess what!? I think he just used his imagination!. You don't need drugs to do that!. It's a skill we have as children and a skill that, so often, we dispense with as we grow older!. And children these days are encouraged to grow up too early!. Hence the belief that you need drugs to stimulate your mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really think so!. Lewis Caroll was very talented and although his books were a bit odd, they are classics regardless of what you think!. I think he was attepting to enter into a child's mind and her daydreams!.!.!.!.perhaps he even knew an "Alice"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No drug use has ever been proven, although legions of college kids try!.

Most likely his mind was just at that point where crazy intersects with high math ability!.

That and he was a borderline pedophile, what with the nude photography of children thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't want to sound rude so forgive me if I do!. but if you weren't there when it was written then I guess no body will no, cause you shouldn't say anything about anyone unless you know that it was 100% TRUE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lots of people say he was on acid!.!.!. lots!.!.!. or mushrooms!. something like that!. so yes to your question i believe it's very possible he wasWww@QuestionHome@Com

Opium probably!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think so too!. he was abit weird ay!?Www@QuestionHome@Com