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Question: What is the name of this Sci-Fi Book!?
I’m trying to find out the name / author of a Science Fiction book I read as a teenager!.

As far as I remember it the plot went as follows:

A down on his luck trader discovers an abandoned space ship of immense size which has a huge bank of genetic material and a computer which he can use to manipulate it!.

After working out how to disable the defence systems and how to work the computer, he then moves from planet to planet selling “answers” to people’s problems!.

One part that sticks out in my mind is a water planet where the locals have had problems with predators!. His answer is to introduce larger predators into the eco-system but the planet responds by created larger ones of it’s own – this then continues (including him resurrecting prehistoric sharks) until he realised that he cannot win and takes another approach!.

For some reason I thought it was called “The Alchemical Engineer” but I’ve googled this and I don’t get an answer!.

Any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was almost certainly "Tuf Voyaging" by George R!.R!. Martin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't know, but it sounds quite good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com