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Question: How long is a book on word processor!?
Okay so I am writing a novel!. It is a fairytale-ish love story, but, with flawed characters and not an "I meet you 2 days ago and we are getting married" story!. For me, it is more about making sense of myself and what a dream love would be in my mind!. It is from a guy's POV!.( I am a 17 girl, BTW) There is a princess but, she isn't well, let's say an average princess!. I don't know but, I am writing this story for me!. It is online and no I am not that interested in publishing it (IT would be great but, unrealistic) Right know it is very short but, I want it in the end to be maybe 500-600 pages if it was made into a standard size book!.

What margins should I use to know where I am on Word Processor!? (Not setting it to this number for pages but, just want to know where I am) THANK YOU!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Take the amount of words you have right now (you can find it in the word count section) and divide it by 250!. 250 is the typical amount of words in a book page!. This will tell you more or less how much of a "book" you have!. Good luck!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you write in submission format (see it at http://www!.shunn!.net/format/story!.html), you'll average about 250 words per page!.

A short novel is about 50,000 words, a long one twice that!. For someone with no publishing record, the odds of being published are better if that first novel is short, but still within the range for its genre!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books are measured in terms of the number of words!. Figure an average book is 55-80K words based on 250 words per page!. The outer limits for a book is 50-120K words - according to Writers Market!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com