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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think? first chapter in my book, fire glazed night.?

Question: What do you think!? first chapter in my book, fire glazed night!.!?
The Someone Outside the Gate

THE FIRST TIME I NOTICED HER, she was sitting outside the gate!. There was the sound of a shower of birdseed, all hitting the street at the same time!. I ran to the picture-window and stared past the glass!. The heavens opened with a mighty roar!. Sheets of rain penetrated the concrete, swirling together into thousands of puddles!. A white flash lit up the sky and disappeared!. Then I saw her!. She was little more than a distant figure from the window I crouched at, but I could still see her pretty clearly!. Her eyes were shut and her head was tipped back, leaning against the wall!. Tangled brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, dripping onto her face!. She wore a white sundress, dotted with specks of muddy water and grime, and black sandals!.
And the first thought that crossed my mind was, Who was she!?
That was the first time!. It wasn’t the last!.

What kind of people would enjoy this book the most!? thanks!. and what do you thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's good, but not so very good that it made me sit up and get excited about it!. It had just enough to keep me from looking away!. Your sentences are clipped and dont blend together as they should, and that's your problem!. Longer sentences dosent mean bad sentences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was pretty cool, but what if that one girl had a secret, like she would become a demon on full moons, but they fall in love so one night (at around the end of the book) she acutully comes to his room and tries to kill him but somehow he makes her believe that he loves her, before she can kill him and so then the curse thing stops and they live on!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that sounds very good!. im going to read that now!. thank you!. when your done give me your reviews on it!. thank you very muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Dennis sucks!.
This doesn't!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

is it supposed to be like a scary book!?
cuz if it is !.!.!.!.its good :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

stupid,dont quit your day job!Www@QuestionHome@Com