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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Pink covered book with poems inside...what book?

Question: Pink covered book with poems inside!.!.!.what book!?
I am looking for a book for my mother-in-law!. She says its a small book, the cover was pink and looked kind of like corduroy!. Inside were poems!. Can anyone know what the title, author and where I can buy this!? Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not exactly sure on which book but here are some poem books with a pink cover!:
Ten Poems to Open Your Heart by Roger Housden
How to Write a Poem, Grades 3-6 by KATHLEEN NULL
Song of the Simple Truth: The Complete Poems of Julia de Burgos

I really do wish you the best of luck! Try going to the library and in the poem section look for a pink poem book or you can go to borders!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. could you be more specific!? What kind of poems!? Love poems!? Christian poems!? Random poems!? Where did she see this book!? Etc!.!.!. Thanks!

(Edit: I can't find anything! I have even looked at almost every poetry book on amazon!.com!. If you find out any more details!. - let me know!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com