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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Tell me I'm not the only one that despises that shameful caricature of so-ca

Question: Tell me I'm not the only one that despises that shameful caricature of so-called literature!.!?
Who else hates or dislikes Twilight, and is disgusted by how well it sells!. I could go on, but I'll leave the ranting to you!. also, please no comments by petty, 14 year-old fangirls, there are enough obsessive Twilight questions on this forum already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are not the only one!. I hate Twilight too!. The writing isn't that good, the plot is pointless, and the characters are flat!. But that is not why I have such a problem with the book!.
The entire plot and characters of the book are completely sexist and it sets a bad example for young girls!. The main character of the novel is a normal, boring, weak girl who can barely stand on her own two feet!. Every few pages Edward, the "perfect", strong, beautiful guy, has to save her!. It just goes back to the old "damsel in distress" story!. Not to mention Edward is a hundred years old and stalks Bella!. It sickens me that young girls idolize Edward when he is pretty close to abusing her!. He thinks he knows better than Bella in all aspects of her life and uses his strength to implement his decisions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes books just hit at the right time and the right place!. Meyers got insanely lucky with her story - is Twilight the stuff classical literature is made of!? Not in a million years!. But is it enjoyable for many readers out there who aren't looking to read War and Peace or Jane Austen!? Sure!. And there really isn't anything wrong with that!.

I'm an adult, by the way, who does enjoy the series, but I completely understand why many don't!. I'm not rabid or obsessed, by any means, and I see the flaws in the series as well as the Twilight haters do, but I do find it to be a nice sort of 'beach read' book!. Fluff and the like!. Something not to take too seriously, and to just enjoy while it's there!.

Sometimes authors get lucky, that's all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok I am not a 14 year old obsessive fan I am much older and I like those books a lot!. I am not trying to be hateful I just want to urge you to see that it isnt so bad!. Maybe it just isnt your type of read!. I can read almost anything from the classic Pride and Prejudice and Animal Farm to Gossip Girl and I like it!. Does that mean the Gossip Girl is horrible and disgustingly oversold!? No it just means that there are some people who really enjoy reading it!. Someone has to write books for 14 year old girls and if they want to carry on and on about how much they love it that is fine with me!. I would rather see those girls reading a book and discussing it than talking about their favorite makeup or on myspace or playing videogames!. I'm sorry i know this wasnt the point of your question but i had to say something, so please dont hate me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm in my late teens and while they're not my favourite books i still think they're quite enjoyable!.!. especially as a 'beach read' as you've already mentioned!.

I started reading them before they became popular and yes i have to agree that all obsession is really annoying
sometime i just think: 'if i see another twilight question on yahoo answers i will go insane'

but ahh can't take it all so seriously i supose!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!. Real literature in this day and age is no longer appealing to most young people!. I think it is a shame that so many people no longer enjoy classics!. I really don't understand how Twilight became so popular since there are so many books out there with the same pathetic romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you want ranting!?!?

******* petty!?
ok thats bull **** ik everyones intitled to there opions i respect that but if u think its competition for guys vs!. edward cullen 'thats petty i mean seriously us girls aren't stupid we know hes fictional and that its not real, only a ******* retard would think its competiton
so theres your rantWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not to be picky, but if you're going to post such a critical question, you might as well not be quite so snarky about it!.
For one thing, Twilight has never had any pretense of being literature, or even being "so-called"!. It's not even a caricature of "so-called" literature, whatever that might be!. It's just an entertaining read for people who like that kind of thing, no more, no less!. And the fact of its popularity and success needn't bother anyone, anymore than the fact that cola sells better than an aged claret---
And you would do well not to make generalizations about pettiness---petty is, as petty does, and your comments are tending that way!.

And finally, to answer your actual question, I don't despise Twilight!. I haven't read it, don't particularly intend to---I just don't give it much thought!. I suggest you do the same and save yourself a lot of self-aggravation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 70 pages into Twilight and I'm seriously not getting why this thing is so popular at all!. Every time I finish reading I am disappointed!. I don't remember how I heard about it, but when I heard vampire I thought it would have a darker, maybe even sexier tone!. I'm so bored with Edward!. The story and characters are flat and one-dimensional!. l'm not impressed at all!. I'll give it a chance and finish it, but it just seems like anyone could have written this book!. It's not very imaginative!. Bella isn't really a character I could care for let alone like!. I feel as though most things that are popular these days in any medium is just pure crap!. I'm definitely disgusted with how well this book sells!. I just want to slap people over the head and give them a smart book to read, real music to listen to, and better movies to watch!. I don't understand people!. I can't relate to the likes and dislikes of 99% of people!. I'm getting off subject here!. I used "I" entirely too much in this post!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I love twilight but I'm not obsessed!!! I'm 21 and I love the series!. I know it's not the most amazing piece of literature out there, but it is enjoyable to read!! I don't constantly go around and shove Twilight down peoples throats!. But when asked I always give Twilight high marks!!

I think Stephenie Meyer success is due to her talent and mixed with luck and good timing!. After the last Harry Potter book came out (note I am not comparing them) there was kind of an empty hole that needed to be filled and Twilight did that for a lot of people and it's popularity has just grown!!

I personally like Twilight better but I think that is just because it is new and exciting so ask me in a six months, after the craze of Breaking Dawn has gone down and Twilight has come out in theaters and my opinion might change I won't be biased anymore!!Www@QuestionHome@Com