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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I thought the Twilight series was pretty good, but...?

Question: I thought the Twilight series was pretty good, but!.!.!.!?
Edward and Bella's relationship kind of creeps me out a little bit!. I think they are a cute couple, but I'm kind of disturbed by the relationship in the back of my mind because Edward is technically over 80 years older than her!. Everytime I read about them together and being cute, the 80 year age difference pops up in my head!. Yes, Edward is physically 17, but he has actually been around for over 100 years!. For some reason this creeps me out and makes me view Edward as somewhat of a pedophile creep!. I just can't help it!. I would really like to look past it because the story is pretty good!. For those of you who are okay with it, how did you get past that!? I'd really appreciate your input! Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the way i look at it is this,,
he never physically OR mentally grew old!.
his life literally stopped at 17!.
its like, though the world around him was growing!.!. he stayed the same!.
and so, he wouldnt be attracted to someone nearer to his 'own age'!. he would be attracted to someone thats his physical age!.
edward still thinks, talks, acts, and does like a 17 year old boy!. and then theres the argument of how proper he is!. in his time of being a young boy!.!. in like 1908 was it!?!?
it was very common for every man/boy to be proper and polite to everyone!. esp their true love!. no matter how old they were!.
does that make sense!? lol
hope it helped!.
i had a problem with this too!. so i just look at it this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Edward is literally 17 like you said!. But you have to think that his mind still works like a 17 year old even if he's over a 100 or just there!. He loves Bella and Bella loves him, and he isn't one of those perverted old men!. To tell you the truth, I don't even think about the 100 year difference; I always think of him as a 17 year old vampire!.


Well, Edward is technically older than 100 year old, but he has the knowledge of that time, but he's really gentleman-ly and so, he basically has the knowledge!.

That's how I can explain it in words!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well is old fashiondness helped, he wasnt doing because of sexual urges!. also he waited so many years for Bella (even if he didnt know it) and when you find a love that true age just doesnt matter, plus hes physicaly 17Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought about that
but physically he hasnt really been through lyfe and is only (lloookkz) 17
dont worryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm!.!.!.I agree somewhat on this!.!.!.
I just never thought about him as being 100 or so because of what they describe him as!.!.!.17 that is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahaha!. lmao!Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha i feel the same way!.