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Question: What would you like me to write about!?
Ok, so I'm wanting to write a book for fun!. And I want to write a basic love story, but also make thrilling and exciting!. I wanted to do something like the "Twilight" books, cuz I enjoyed reading them, but not in the same way!. Just like the forbiddin love kinda deal!. So I was just wondering what you guys thought would be a good thing to write about, since I am open to opinions!. So if you have anything you wish that would be written into a book, just let me know! Thanks again for the help! =]] And it doesn't have to be a romance theme, it was just an idea!. It could be murder, or anything!. And if you could, suggest some character names! That would be soooo helpful, since all the ones I think about don't fit together quite well! lol Thanks again!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should write what you love, not what some random twit on yahoo answers tells you to!. ^__^

Since romance is what you want, that's definitely what you should use!.

The next step would be deciding if you want anything supernatural, or if you want to write a more realistic book!. My only suggestion is that you don't use vampires because with it fresh in your mind, you'll unconsciously reference it!. Wait a few years before using vamps!. ^^

If you have trouble deciding, just think about the kinds of books you read, the TV shows you watch, etc!. What kinds of things to they feature!? If you find you watch a lot of reality TV, maybe you should just write a high school romance!. If you like mysteries or criminal justice, you could try that out!. ^__^

I guess I'll list off some random names for you!. You can always find more at babynames!.com It's a great site, and I use it all the time!.
Christopher, Andrew, Margret, Tracy, Opal, Jared, Jessica, Brandy, Carlos, Anastasia, Micah, Orion, Jackie, Francis, Ryan, Iain, Mary Anne, Obedience, Jose, Kyoko, Giovanni, Arai

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

writing a book is about what *you* want to write about!. you can't ask for other people's ideas since we'd never know what's right for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com