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Question: Breaking Dawn Theory!?
Re-posting this in the book section to hopefully get more answers!.
Do you think when Bella is 'changed' she will hvae no desire for blood whatsoever because she hated it so much when she was mortal!?!?
Apart from that, who thinks she will/won't 'change' in this book!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well my theory is that Jame's bite may have built up an immunity, for her thirst for human Blood!. And like ECullen said, Rosalie hasn't had human blood ( she did kill but, not because she was "thirsty"!.
I believe Bella will change!. She has to, the Volturi will come after her if she doesn't!. And i think about the preface in BD

"When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options!. How could you run, how could you fight when doing so would hurt that beloved one!? If your life was all you had to give to your beloved, how could you not give it!?

It could mean that Bella will have to give up her life as a human in order to save her beloved,Edward!. The Volturi being as powerful as they are may give them an ultimatum!. Meaning she will be transformed!. And what's left!? The wedding, the war ( The Cullens vs!. Sam's pack vs the volturi)!? so she must be transformed!. And i know she'll be different from all the vampires becuase she chose to transform!.

Twilight-was about finding true love
New Moon-was aboout loosing ture love
Eclipse-was about choosing true love
Breaking Dawn- changing/dying for true love!.( as explained above)

and SM did say on imdb:
"I do have a fairly intricate outline for book five!. That's not including Midnight Sun, that will be the next one!. It isn't told from Bella's point of view, but the characters that you know now will remain characters in the story, so like Alice and Jasper, and we'll still have Edward and Bella around!."
so Bella is still around!? hmmmm!.!.!.!.!.lol!. sorry it's super long!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think she will be totally immune, but as shes been around vampires so long the idea may just repulse her enough for her to resist humans!. Rosalie has never has human blood, so its very possible!. also I think the Cullens are smart enough to get Bella far, far away from anyone she could hurt!.!.!.

I think she will defiantly go through the transformation!. I will be so upset if she doesn't!.!.!.!.But the Volturi are out to get her, and Edward has promised her, as long as she married him, so as long as she makes good on her end it will happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that she'll go through with the transformation!.

As for her liking to human blood when she's a vampire!? I don't think it'll change in the slightest!. Sure, it made her queasy - but if she had any sort of aversion to human blood, then it'd just be all too easy!. She'd probably have a few moments of disgust with herself and get dizzy!. The idea of blood being disgusting is in her head, and she'll have to make a realization that no matter how disgusting it is to her, she needs it to survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure about the blood thing, but that's a good theory!. Then the whole actually changing thing, part of me doesn't think Edward will 'let' her but I think that she's stubborn enough to find a way to either convince him or make Alice or Carlisle do it!. Though I do think that Edward will give in because of the threats against him and his family if he doesn't!. Guess we will have to wait and see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she will change!.!.!.i think!.!.but also i think she will be stronge than ever!.!.like she will have a very special power or something!.!.!.
anyways on moday stephenie meyer is gonna give us a clue about the book!!!!
try to find it on any twilight websites!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's gonna crave Cranberry Juice instead
I don't really think she's gonna change!.!.!.
Could you look at my question!?

I reallyyyyy want her to become a vampire, but I'm not sure if she will!.!.!.

And if she does get changed, I think she will have a desire for blood, it just won't be as bad for her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she will be changed and she and eddy will elope!

CANT WAIT 4 BD!!Www@QuestionHome@Com