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Question: How could a 14 year old get published !?
Ok, I know this might sound a bit, stupid!? But Alexandra Ardonetto got a three-book deal and she was 13 when she wrote the first in the series!. Anyway!.
I have a story I'm working on, and I think it's pretty good (that sounds a bit stuck up)!.
Can anyone answer this questions!? It would be much appreciated!
How should I go about trying to get it published!?
How long should a finished manuscript be ideally!?
And!.!.!.will anyone take me seriously as a 14 year old who wants to get published!?

Thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You already know how difficult it is for someone even twice your age to get published!. But you have to get your material out there!. It is never too early to try to snag an agent who will then help you sell your book!. People may be skeptical at first, but if your talent is real then that should jump you over most of the major hurdles!.

Of course, your parents will have to sign your contract since you are not 18 yet!. But that is really the only trouble you may run into besides actually getting your manuscript read!.

How should you go about trying to get it published!? Well, first finish it!. Then you can start thinking about publishing it after you have rewritten, revised, recycled, reduced and remade your entire story into something publishable!. You can start sending out the query letters to agents who you think may represent you!. Most people now start out with an agent so they will be taken seriously in the publishing world (that is another problem you may run into, people may not take you seriously)!.

How long should your manuscript be!? Well, that depends!. Writers mostly speak in terms of words, as that is how novellas, short stories and novels are categorized!. Nevertheless, your finished, formatted manuscript will be several hundred pages long and a veritable monster if you're lucky!. Most publishers put on their websites some ideas about what they expect in terms of words!.

Will anyone take you seriously!? If you act proffessional, almost certainly!. If you don't, probably not!. I can see that your question is not full of typos, so that is definitely a good start!. There is not better way to show your age than to send in material with typos and text message lingo!. As long as you steer clear of that and manage to not offend anyone in the editorial staff, you stand a good chance of being taken seriously!.

Good luck with your writing and submissions!Www@QuestionHome@Com