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Question: Should I follow submission guidelines exactly!?
Okay, I've mentioned this before on here!. I wanna submit to a magazine!. They only take Email submissions!. They said in their sub-guidelines, that they want submissions sent by Mircosoft word!. I use Word perfect!. Obvious issue! Now someone had suggested to me that I convert my file to RTF (rich text format) so that way I can send it!.

Would that be okay!? I'm always being told send a submission the way they WANT it! Follow the instructions to the letter!. But I don't use Micro word!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Word Perfect should have an option to save your file in MS Word format!. Go to "File" menu, select "save as" then from the drop-down menu where you type the filename, select MS Word with the latest version number!.

MS Word has this same option--you can save a file from one format to the other!.

I would not send it in !.rtf if the magazine asks for Word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Follow whatever they tell you to!. The more rules you follow, the better chance you have of getting in and getting published for the magazine!! Good luck!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com