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Question: Harry Potter Question!.!.!. what happened in the Kings Cross chapter in the Deathly Hallows!?
Was all of that happening inside Harry's head!? Why does Dumbledore suddenly come back!? And who was that screaming creature in pain in the background!? And if it did happen inside Harry's head how does he suddenly understand everything and put everything together!? Could you explain this to me!? That chapter was kinda fuzzy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok well!.!.!.the screaming creature was Voldemort!. It never really clarified if it was in his head or not but at the end Dumbledore says, "Just because this is in your head does not mean it isn't real!" to Harry!. Basically what happened was Dumbledore explained that Harry now had the choice to live or die and Harry wasn't dead because in the graveyard in GoF, when Voldemort took Harry's blood, he made it so that as long as Voldemort was alive, Harry couldn't die because his mothers blood was still alive and flowing through Voldemort!. Dumbledore then explains about how he had become deranged by the power of the Deathly Hallows and that he was not one of the handful of people able to handle the Hallows, but Harry was!. He also talks about how stupid he was in his teenage years and how Grindlewald and Abeforth (sp!?) had got in a fight and then Dumbledore got into it to and when his sister tried to break it up, Dumbledore had accedentally killed her and he was haunted by that!. He says that Harry is strong and he has the power to end it with Voldemort for good!. also, Harry askes were they are and Dimbledore askes where he thinks they are and Harry says its like a clean, empty Kings Cross Station and Dumbledore says that could make sence and he says that Harry needs to now choose what he's going to do!. If he's going to get on a train a nd go on!. Or if he's going to stay and fight!. Harry chooses to go back!. Any other questions or anything, you can email meWww@QuestionHome@Com

The chapter was meant to be fuzzy, its a really deep chapter where Harry is at the crossing points to the after life!. HE wasn't technically wasn't dead so Dumbledore, working as a sort of St!. Peter, was explaining to him that he could go on and go back and he also told Harry about himself and everything else!.
The in Harry's head part was meant to be taken to your interpretation!. You are supposed to decide wether it happened or not because the afterlife is such a controversial subject!. She's not trying to tell you to believe only that!.
The screaming creature was dear old Voldy's soul!. The horcrux inside Harry that Voldy himself killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was dreaming!. He got nocked out be the avada kedavra curse and was dreaming!. He puts it all together just like sometimes people can put things together in the dreams!. As for the creature in the bg Im not quite sure!. Despair I think!. maybe like all the bad emotions in the world!. idk but possibly also what voldemort becomes!. because when harry was dueling voldie at the end he said he'd seen what he would become!. idk hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Harry died, that was like a limbo period that ONLY Harry experienced and managed to go back to earth, to come back to life!. Dumbledore was there because Dumbledore was already dead, there Dumbledore explained to Harry his plan, he told him how his guesses turned out to be right, how it all went according to Dumbledore's plan!.

Harry saw that shriveled misshaped creature, and he asked Dumbledore!. Dumbledore explained to him that the creature is Voldemort in his true form, because Voldemort was so evil, he created seven Horcruxes and that caused him to lose his human form, so he became misshaped and his soul was in pain, that's why the creature, was babylike and was screaming!. Harry understood what Dumbledore told him, like how his mother's love worked in Harry's benefit, how he Dumbledore placed a charm on the Dursley's house for Harry, why Dumbledore had that gleam of triumph when Voldemort used Harry's blood, and a lot of other explanations!.

Most importantly, Dumbledore explained to Harry why Harry didn't die, Harry didn't die because a part of Voldemort's soul was attached to Harry's soul, as you know Voldemort possessed the Elder Wand when he stole it from Dumbledore's tomb, the Elder Wand cannot kill it's own master, Harry happened to be the master!. This is in explanation to that, confusing Elder Wand matter, Grindelwald was the true master of the Elder Wand when he stole it from Gregorovitch the wandmaker, after his defeat in the duel with Dumbledore, Dumbledore became the master of the wand, after Draco disarmed Dumbledore in Half Blood Prince (The high tower chapter) Draco became the master, Harry disarmed Draco (Malfoy Manor chapter) Harry became the true master of it even though it was buried with Dumbledore!.

So that means that Harry is the master and one of the rules in the Elder Wand matter, it cannot kill it's own master, so when Voldemort attempted to kill Harry he only managed to kill his soul the one attached to Harry's soul!. That caused the whole limbo situation, and that's why Harry managed to return back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The screaming creature was Voldemort in his natural state!. This was all sort of happening in limbo!. It wasn't a dream, it was like harry was in a sort of magic Heaven for a few minutes!. He understands everything because Dumbledore explains it to him!. and harry thinks its a dream cuz he didnt fear deathWww@QuestionHome@Com

The screaming creature was Voldemort in his natural state!. This was all sort of happening in limbo!. It wasn't a dream, it was like harry was in a sort of magic Heaven for a few minutes!. He understands everything because Dumbledore explains it to him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no it wasn't in his head!.!.!.it was happening!.!.!.Voldermort changed into the lady to try to lure Harry there to kill him!. Thankfully Harry picked up on it and escaped!. Dumbledore had been keeping an eye out for Harry so he could help him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read this awhile ago so i may be a little off but the screaming was voltamore and harry was dreaming (i guess you could say) that is how dumbledore came back and explained itWww@QuestionHome@Com

i cant believe so many people read this crap,Www@QuestionHome@Com