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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What other books would you liken the Twilight series too?

Question: What other books would you liken the Twilight series too!?
I've just started reading "Twilight" and I am wondering what you would compare it to; I mean do you think the vampire bits are like Anne Rice's vampires, Dracula, etc!?
also, does the fact that it features teenage characters and a high school mean that it is totally different to all vampire stuff you have read before!?
I've heard so much about it, so now I am reading it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They!. Sparkle!.

No, they're not remotely like Anne Rice or Bram Stoker's vampires!. Not even close!.

Sparkling vampires!. Stoker spins in his grave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight vampires are absolute pansies next to Dracula!.

The Twilight vampires sparkle in sunlight!. They are "vegetarians"-- they don't kill people, they kill animals instead!. They drink animal blood!. And they typically aren't scary!.

The Cullens look like a field of butterflies and unicorns next to Dracula!.

Yes, the fact that it's in HS makes it different than other vampire novels!. Twilight is nothing like most vampire novels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to me, ann rice's vamipres are a lot more like what you would see in a movie or something!. like in twilight, if a vampire goes into the sun, it just makes them sparkle and stuff!. but in ann rice's books and dracula and others, they absolutely cant go into the sun or they will die!. and i dont think vampires have enemies like the werewolf in the ann rice series or dracula!. oh and vampires in their books have no heart so they really cant feel love like edward and them can!. well he doesnt really have a heart either but he can still love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eragon!. It likens to the quality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand what you mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com