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Question: What is Twilight series!?
I keep seeing questions about this series called Twilight!. I love vampire books so I'm just wondering if it is a series aimed at teenagers, or would an adult like it!? I enjoyed reading the Harry Potter Books even though they were geared towards kids, so do you think I would I like Twilight!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's more for pre/teenagers, despite what most of the fans will tell you!. The writing is sub par to the Harry Potter books and is rather childish and simple - similar to what the characters are like, as well!.

I suggest reading Anne Rice novels instead, at least that author keeps her vampire tales traditional (versus the cute, sparkly [literally] ones in Twilight)!.

Thumbs down, ahoy!.

Edit: Chances are, the change in writing (adult vs!. pre/teen) and vampires (again, adult vs!. pre/teen) may not appeal to you, then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no please don't read them, or if you must i hope you see exactly what is wrong with them!. I realize i will get oodles of haters for this but i really don't care!. twilight is unfortunately a phenomenon in the book world centering around a girl named bella and her complicated love for a vampire named Edward!. In theory it is an intriguing concept, in practice it is an irritating series in which Bella can't seem to function without Edward and he is just way too overbearing and controlling!.
I wouldn't mind it so much but the way the main characters are portrayed is ridiculous and wrong!. I want to smack both of them and tell them to get over themselves!.

I could go on forever about how much i dislike this series, but I won't!. Please, if you are interested in new vampire novels, look elsewhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you love real vampire books, then you will not love the Twilight series!.

It's pretty much about a dull girl who falls in love with a handsome vampire who doesn't drink blood and happens to sparkle in the sunlight!.

The book is made for 13 year old girls to drool over Edward (handsome vampire), and I would not recommend it to any adult!. Notice how answerers here have already answered that "OMG, you totally have to read it I love Edward he's so hot!" That just ties into what I'm saying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please ignore all of the "IT"S THE BEST BOOK EVAA!!!!!" It's a terrible book (s) and should only be read if you want to learn how NOT to write a book or to laugh hysterically at how stupid some parts are!. It's a terrible influence on teens and the parents don't seem to realize this!. The dialogue is laughable, the writing is terrible, the entire book is one, big cliche, the very first sentence is extremely boring, the boyfriend (Edward) absuses Bella (the girl), yet Bella does nothing about it, and the covers are about the best part of the book!. That's my two cents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me, Twilight is WAY better than HP!. You'll love it!. For YA or Adults!. Some Sexual Content, cussing, they are great!. Go to google and check it out!. The books are written by Stephenie meyer!.com!. Here, go this page!.

I love them!!! It is coming out into a movie as well coming out December 12th!. Just go to yourtbue and type in "Twilight Official Trailer" and watch a few of them!. The are great!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its gthe book for all ages, Stephanie Meyer, (the author) is a goddes i worship her awsomness, be forwarned to start reading it at a time when you have free time therwise you might have issues getting to work or school because youll be to busy readingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes you totally will!. It's more romantic than the H!.P series!. Although the only reason it's so popular is because of the story line!. It lacks as much depth as H!.P but it still is a good casual read!. (Basking in cuteness at the very moment!. I love babies)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you must read!. Tomorrow, or whatever time it is where you live!. Drive to Borders!. Pick up all 3 books in the series!!! Theyre amazing!. The twilight Saga has been called sophisticated young adult books!. Once you read your hooked!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes you would totally love it!. Many teenage girls love it but there are many fans who are grown women!. And if you're a mom and you like the series, there is a website called Twilight mom's!. You should check it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am 22 and was hesitant to read twilight because i thought they were for kids, but i read it and loved it!! seriously, give it a shot!. i was really surprised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they're about a vampire!.!.!.
and they are geared for teenagers!.
but you'd probably like it!.

and they're romantic (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes you would like it most likely i mena idk wut kinda things you like and dont like but i luved it it was amazing and it is aimed towards teensWww@QuestionHome@Com

ya, its labeled as young adult
its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ultamate romance/vampire/teen fiction novel ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im currently reading new moon
its a GREAT series
read it!!Www@QuestionHome@Com




(sparkly vampire)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yessss ,
it's the sexiest tale ever!.,Www@QuestionHome@Com