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Question: What do you THINK of this STORY!? Please, rate it!?
I'm writing a serial of stories about a homebirth midwife named Caroline!. During the 2nd story, Caroline attends the homebirth of a famous Hollywood actress named Jacqueline Howard!. Jacqueline has a tumor but don't want to have any treatment because she wants to have her child although this situation can bring her to death!. After Jack's birth (son), Jacqueline is very ill but she doesn't want to go to any hospital, she only wants to stay at home with her baby!. For this reason, a few weeks later Caroline solicits the help of Jamie, a very beautiful female doctor who gave birth her son at home with Caroline!. Jamie convinces Jacqueline to go to the hospital and then Jamie solicits the help of Dr!.Swanson of Boston that aplicates an experimental treatment which saved Jacqueline's life!. One year later, Jacqueline is healthy but when she leaves the hospital and crosses the street to greet her family and fans, a car loses control and kills her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Chilling! I hope it works out!. The ending sounds great and you know what they say the only thing that counts is the ending and this is GREAT!. Really, I can't wait to see what you come up with as far as twists and turns go!. Does Caroline ever have her baby!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rate it!? From 1-10!? A two!.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like stories that are ridiculously unrealistic!. A midwife perfectly okay with helping a woman risk her life just because she wants a homebirth!? Silly!. I'd be too busy hating the midwife to be able to read the entire story!.

You have a story that might be a pretty good one if you make it more believable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it sounds kind of unreal!. To me it just seems like the characters aren't believeable!. Work on getting to know your characters, they all seem too perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's depressing!.!.!.!.
I like how it's creative!.
But Im not into that stuff!. It's too sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com