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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Ok im planning to put this in my story but is it funny and if not how do i make

Question: Ok im planning to put this in my story but is it funny and if not how do i make it funnier!?
ok here it is btw this is not my characters name im using it so no one will steal the real name!.

James ran and turned sharply on the corner!. The werewolf tried to turn with him but slipped on leaves and knocked its head on a tree!. It let out a sharp yelp as blood spilled from its head!.

is the part where the werewolf slips funny!? if not how do i spice it up to b funnier!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry, dude but its a little difficult to make a werewolf falling funny!. You chose a difficult battle, but you're a pretty good writer so I'm sure you'll figure something out!.


I would probably leave out the blood spilling from its head, if I were going for humor!. I might also have James smiling or showing in some way that he thinks it's funny:

James ran and turned sharply as he rounded the corner!. The werewolf tried to turn with him, but lost its footing on the slippery leaves, instead skidding headlong into a tree!. James smiled grimly as he heard the creature yelp and collapse behind him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no - if u think that's funny i'd say u had a lame sense of humor!.!.!. try writing it naturally as it comes to you!. if u can't make it funny then don't force it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds more painful than funny!. He should run into a spiderweb, or maybe a nest of birds could fall on his head!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I felt sad for it :s

No blood please !.Www@QuestionHome@Com