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Question: Writing tips for a kid!?
I am 13 and want to become a writer someday!. I am currently working on a story now, and I would very much appreciate it if I could have a few tips on how to really make my story pop and be unique! Can anyone help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Keep writing, writing, writing!. Read prolific books by masterful writers!. It doesn't matter if you even finish a story in the next couple of years!. Spend a few years developing your craft!. Find what moves you, what inspires you!. Learn to write the kind of book you'd want to read!. I agree with what the person above said about vampires and werewolves etc!. It's just sooooo cliche and boring!. Never lose the love you have for it!. It can be incredibly frustrating work, however, it's probably the most rewarding and fulfilling thing I could ever have been blessed to do!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To make sure your story is unique, think about where you got your inspiration from!. If it was from one or two books, even if it involves various other sources, you should probably try something else!. If it's several different books that influenced only small portions of your book and you're very creative, you should be okay!.
Generally, the best sources involve no books (outside of non-fiction ones for the time period, et cetera), music, scenery, and such!. However, if you're creative, it should be alright!.

The best way is to really know your characters inside and out!. If they're real to you, they'll be real to everyone else, too!.

Know exactly where the major plot is going - if you're not sure, it'll show through!.

Understand your setting!. Again, if you don't know, it'll show through to the readers!. A lot of authors have contradicting statements about their settings, and it's really confusing!.

Basically, know what you're talking about!. If you love it and you're knowledgeable about all of it, it'll be apparent and people will love it!. Your age really shouldn't be a factor!.
Good luck with your writing!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 14 and in the same situation!. I was writing a story when I first started middle school, a few years ago, and I asked my LA teacher to give me some constructive criticisms on it!. I've done this on a few other occassions as well, and if I like my new LA teacher I may ask him/her to do the same with my current story!.
Another tip is to apply flavors (not obvious elements) from movies and books that you really like!. Reading and watching movies (but more reading) will help you develop your style, which can be the best part of a book!. Everything is more fun to read when it's told with a strong voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) No vampires
2) No werewolves
3) Don't listen to other people if they say your story sounds like another, because that will screw up your head, and make you change your story around, when it's YOUR story, and nobody's business!.
4) I know it always seems like the good ideas are already taken, but go with what you want!.
5) Write for yourself, and yourself alone!.
I'm fourteen, and working on a story myself!. It really screwed me up for a while when I listened to other people!. If you're not comfortable with letting other people read it, don't!. Good luck, and I hope I helped!. I'd love to read what you come up with!.

Added 15 min!. later: What did I get a "thumbs down" for!? Was it the vampire thing!? I love vampires, it's just because publishers won't take them any more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should work on developing your own voice!. It's something that takes time and practice, but you want your stories to be your own!.

also, when you finish writing this story, write another one!. And another!. And another!. The only way to get great is to practice and learn from your mistakes!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, just write your story!. Once it's written, go back and read it later!. You'll get an idea from that what changes you want to make!. I wrote a book myself when I was a teenager, when I went back and read it later in life It wasn't nearly as good as I'd thought at the time!. So I'm trying to rewrite it now, after much more life experience!. So don't give up, just have fun writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The two best things you can do are:

1) Read all kinds of styles, genres, and forms of good literature!. Study poetry, fiction, non-fiction etc!. and see how the masters do it!.
2) Practice developing your own style!. Don't get hung up on whether its good or not just write!. Find your own strength and go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree 100% with kelsey, choose her for best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com