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Question: Twilight series (Eclipse_ Bella swan)!?
does anyone seriously think Bella Swan is the most annoying character in the books!. I just finished eclipse, tres bon!!.it was really good!. but seriously i just want the girl to die already, i find her character really annoying!. apart from the fact that she is always like "oh i dont want to be selfish anymore" she turns out to do the exact thing she says she trying not to do!.Really both boys would be better just leaving her so she could die of agony or just go completely mental!.

ouch that was harsh, but it's what i think still!.
so, anywayz who is your least favourtie character!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
least favorite - Bella

I love the series, but I agree with you!. also if Bella didnt exist, I could be with Edward (sigh!.!.!.!.i know he's fake)!. She's so annoying sometimes, and I think that if someone else with a different personality was dating Edward, he would be better off!.

Then again, I didnt write the story so my opinion doesnt count!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to say that the entire story would fall apart without Edward and Bella because they are two extremely important characters to the story and I think they are just fine the way they are!. And if you don't like Bella so much then why are you even reading the books because the whole story is going to be about her and Edward!.

Least favorite character - BILLY BLACK! I hate that man and his boring stories!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do find Bella annoying at times, but really I don't mind- how else is a sane person going to react to all of those mythical creatures!? I think Bella manages fairly well- other people would be more whiny and go completely insane- mad!.

The most annoying character is Mike Newton, but I really love him =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do!. She is a BLIND, STUPID person!.

She doesn't look at all sides of a decision!.

She only picked Edward cos she's blinded by his "seductiveness" and perfection"!.

Stupid girl!.

She doesn't realize what she's giving up!.

Plus she led Jacob on and on just to break his heart in the end!.

Least favorite character!? That bloodsucker Edward!. I agree with Why so serious!. HE IS JUST!.!.!.ANNOYING! Really annoying!. I hate him so much! Annoying, annoying, annoying!. Reading about his name alone annoys me! he's abusive and a liar!. He's controlling and he REEKS!. EW!.


-Chelsea :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm i like her i think shes really down to earth and alot of people can relate to her!. but somethings im just like what the heck! b/c she doesn't like to go shopping and doesn't like to put make up on!.i think shes kind of boring sometimes but im starting to really like her carachter!

my least favorite character would have to be!.!.JACOB!
ugh hate him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol at times i did think she was kind of annoying like some things she would do like walking up to total strangers that could rape her and stuff like that and just make-n it even harder 4 edward and jacob by trying to kill herself and all that stuff I just wanted to b like go sit down somewhere and keep quiet jeez ur not helping anything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, I don't agree with you!. The book would totally blow without Bella!. She's like one of the the main characters! In fact, the book is from HER point of view!. There would be no story without Bella!. I mean, seriously!.!.!.

Least favorites-James, Victoria, Tanya, Rosalie (she needs to lighten up)

Check out my twilight fan site!

No she is not annoying she is torn!. She loves Jacob too and doesn't want to hurt him but she cares about him and wants to make sure hes okay!. And as far as Edward he is amazing!. Bell and Edward belong together!.!.!. and if you recall he did leave her once and neither one of them were better off are you sure you read New Moon!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

She can be very annoying!. Whiny, obsessive, overly clumsy, needy!.!.!.I think my least favorite character is Sam!. I still don't quite trust him, despite everything!.

*~* Can't Wait for Breaking Dawn *~*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward is trying to do everything for her, and she's be an anoying *****!.
Urgh!. I especially hated it when he puroses and she's trying to hid the ring and stuff!.!.!.!. urgh!. YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok bella is whiny and she is defiently stupid (jacob thing in eclipse) but shes the main character of the book and i got attached to her so i like her but serioulsy shes not THT badWww@QuestionHome@Com

All the characters pretty much suck, but Bella, and Edward, are my absolute least favorite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think shes that annoying;
but i can agree with you on some parts!.

my least fave character is either Billy or Jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in 1 part of the book when she TELLS jacob to tell her wat a bad person she is, jake just pretends and tells her, and then she starts crying!
GRRR she USED jakeWww@QuestionHome@Com

My least fave character is Jacob!. I can't stand him!! I hope he DIES in Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg!!! r u mental or somethin'!!!!bella's the only reason i'm still readein' the book (besides jake) but, really, u got no taste, huh!?!!?!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i sorta agree!.!. but i want her to be with edward!.!.!.!. cause he is soo cute and protective and a gentleman!.!. and i think they are good together!.!.
i felt bad for her!.!.!. at the end of eclipse she didnt want to be selfish!.!.!. so to help them she was going to kill herself like the 3rd wife, in one of the stories, did!.!. to help edward!.!. once victoria got distracted by her blood, edward could kill victoria!.!.
so i dont think she was being really selfish!.!. she just cared for everyones safety!.!.
so she isnt too selfish i think!.!.

my least favorite character!.!. i think!.!. might be charlie!.!.!.!.!.!.
cause 1!. he doesnt like edward alot!.!.!. even though bella got over what happened!.!. and he still gives him looks and stuff
2!. instead of kicking jacob out for kissing bella when she didnt want him to and she even broke her hand trying to punch him, he was happy and a applauded jacob and was excited that he did that and laughed at bella cause she broke her hand!. which i thought very annoying!
3!. gets mad for stupid reasons sometimes!.!.
4!. cant understand that bella is almost pretty much an adult and is making choice, and gets to make her own choices, and if they are wrong, they are wrong!.

but 3 and 4 werent what made me not like him !.!.!. but the 1st 2 were!.!.!.
i used to not like rosalie but after the end of new moon and eclipse, i understand why she didnt really like bella!.

hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My least favorite!?

Bella and Edward!. Oh dear god!. Where do I start with Bella!?
She is a whiny, annoying, damsel in distress, weakling who is a terrible friend, snubs everyone around her, has no backbone, stabs her friends in the back, treats people like dirt, is WAY too independent on Edward, and has no hopes or dreams in life!. Her one ambition is to be with Edward *rolls eyes*!. That's completely pathetic to me!. Women had to live without being able to have dreams or hopes for centuries; we women are lucky to live in the century we live in!. We have rights women in the past haven't had!. We should damn well make use of them, and Bella doesn't!. She has no ambition at all!. I think she's a terrible role model!.

I totally get what you mean about the "I'm not going to be selfish" thing!. Bella is so self-centered!. She doesn't try to be selfish, but she always is!. And she's just stupid!. One example is how at the end of Eclipse, she tells Edward she doesn't think Jake should come to the wedding!. It would be painful for Jake to be there, so she doesn't expect him to come!. She also decides that she's going to leave Jake alone and not pursue anything with him!. But in the first chapter of Breaking Dawn, she acts like she expects Jacob to come!. She acts like Jacob!.!.!. owes it to her to be there!. And she freaks out about Jacob running away, when she had previously said she was going to leave him alone!. She just makes no sense!. She's so hypocritical ALL THE TIME!.

In Bella's defense, she does try to do the right thing!. She doesn't try to hurt people!. But she is incapable of thinking logically, doesn't understand how to look at things from another person's perspective, and doesn't understand how her actions are going to affect others!.

Now for Edward!. Edward, Edward, Edward!. What to say about dear Eddie!?
Edward is boderline emotionally abusive!. He's arrogant, full of himself, and has no respect for those around him, even Bella (he has no respect for her opinion)!. He lacks a personality and is a creepy stalker who does criminal things and is shockingly possessive!. He's too controlling!. He's Bella's shadow-- he never goes away!. He always has to be there!. He is just completely annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com