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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone ever read "Just In Case" by Meg Rossoff?

Question: Has anyone ever read "Just In Case" by Meg Rossoff!?
Didn't you find it simply brilliant!?
Yes, agreed, pretty heavy reading for a 13 year old!. I was in tears for ages!.

What is your interpretation of the whole 'fate' theme in the book!? It was quite confusing, don't you think!?
And it was quite a mind-boggling idea that he threw a ball to the imaginary dog and that the imaginary dog brought it back!.

Nevertheless, an amazing book!. (:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think i might have read it, obviously i can't remember every single book i've read but i think i have!.
And judging by the fact that it sounds vaguely familiar, i must have liked it!.
i think i will get it out of the library, just to see again!.

and i'm thinking that was a completley pointless answerWww@QuestionHome@Com