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Question: Great Vampire Novels!?
I've been extremely bored now that I've just finished The Host by Stephanie Meyer, so I've been wanting more books to read!. I LOVE vampires and books about them, but most I've looked up don't seem so promising!. I've read and own the Twilight Saga which is my favorite BTW, and I'm looking forward to Breaking Dawn!. I've also read and own the Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schrieber!. Same with Look For Me By Moonlight, Silver Kiss, and a few others!. I want a book similar to those of Stephanie Meyer's work, any suggestions!? And PLEASE DON'T say the Vampire Files, Blue Blood, Anita Series, I, Vampire, Dracula Tapes, Morganville Vampires, Vampire Acadamy and etc!.!.!.!. Name something good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sadly, all I can recommend are adult vampire paranormal romances!. Try this site: http://www!.vampireromancebooks!.com/

J!.R!. Ward and Lynn Viehl are at the top of my list!. However, they are on the (sexually) explicit side so I am not so sure you'd find them to your liking!. Another one I am currently enjoying is Lynsay Sands Argeneau's vamps!. Hers are lighthearted and not that graphic!. It's actually a fun series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Historian is pretty good (but the endiing falls apart a little bit)
Fevre Dream by George RR Martin!. Vampires on the Mississippi in the 1850's!. This is my all time favorite vampire book!.
You Suck! by Christopher Moore!. Hilarious!
There are also vampires in The Truth and Monstrous Regiment (both by Terry Pratchett) but they aren't main characters!. They are both, however, fighting their addiction to blood!. also very funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favourite vampire books are the 'Blood' series by Tanya Huff, in which a vampire, Henry Fitzroy joins forces with a private investigator Vikcy Nelson, and her ex-police partner Mike Celluccito solve supernatural crimes!. The first one is 'Blood Price'!. I like these books very much because they have good strong characters, exciting plots and plenty of humour, and an interesting love triangle between the three main characters!.

I also like the 'Laws of the Blood' series by Susan Sizemore, which have a variety of vampires of both sexes, interesting characters and quite a lot of romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to agree with Salem's Lot!. The scariest Stephen King book IMHO!.

Anne Rice is also good!. If you have a problem with reading Interview after seeing the movie, go right to The Vampire Lestat, which was never made into a movie and, I think, was better than the first!.

There's good 'ole Bram Stoker's "Dracula!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow so many good vampire series!

For something with a little comedy and romance mixed in would be the Argeneau Series by Lynsay Sands

For a good mystery series that would be the Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris!.

For true Comedy that would be the undead series by Mary Janice Davidson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


super!. 100%!.

twilight>>new moon>>eclipse>>breaking dawn [to be released on aug]>>midnight sun [writing!.!.]

TWILIGHT is WAYY better that so-called-number-one-Harry-Potter!.

read twilight agaiin! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

well ive got a couple you might like !.

L!.J!. smith:

1 the fury and the dark reunion (vampire diaries book1)
2 the awakening and the stuggle (vampire diaries book 2)

thats all i got !. hope could help !Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love these 2 books!. there a series!. http://www!.cafepress!.com/921916!.15931116!.!.!.

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova- much more refined than your usual vampire fiction, excellent read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't beat Salem's Lot by Stephen KingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Fangland!. i think the author is called John Marks!. it's not exactly a standard vampire novel, but it's really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one mentioned "Interview with a Vampire" by Anne Rice that re-started this whole genre; with it's sequel, "The Vampire Lestat!." As usual, the movie lacks the richness of the book!. It is such a classic, my wife actually had it as an assigned reading in one of her college classes!. This is a great book that revived a topic of classic literature!. It's so fun and there are more in the vampire series!. Anne Rice also has a mummy series and a witch series!. EDIT: Please-trust me at least on "Interview With a Vampire!." The book is 100 times superior to the movie!. You will NOT feel like you've read it twice!. You will simply know a few of the characters in advance!. Besides, "The Vampire Lestat" has never been made into a movie!. Anne Rice has several more vampire books!. I agree her books on the mummy are weak, but the Mayfair witches are incredibility unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know someone already said this but the vampire chronicles by anne rice are really good!. They are VERY different from the movies too so it wouldn't really ruin it for you!. How about the ultimate Vampire book!.!.!.Bram Stoker's Dracula!?!? I dunno if your into Buffy at all but alot of the Buffy and Angel books are pretty good and you don't have to watch the show to like/understand the books!.

Those are all pretty different than twilight series, the Buffy books have more Edwardish Romance than any of the others!. I'm a huge twilight fan and I'll admit I'm obsessed but I'm a little older than the average twilighter (I'm 19) so some of the other books might be a little old for you if you are under 13!.Www@QuestionHome@Com