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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Any one know the name of this kids book ?

Question: Any one know the name of this kids book !?
It's about a man who lives alone on a moore and has nothing to eat !. There is a cat who lives on the moore who also has nothing to eat so goes to the man's house !. The man sees the cat, cuts of his tail and eats it !. Then the cat comes back for his tail during the night , discovers the man has eaten it ,and rips him to shreds while he sleeps !.

I remember it scared my witless when i was little !.Did anyone else have this story told to them when they were little!? I'd really like to know the name of it !.

By the way i am not joking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am absolutely sure that the name of the book is called The Tailypo! Author: Joanna C!. Galdone Illustrator: Paul Galdone
Title: Tailypo: A Ghost StoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Is it the Tailypo!?