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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Question about the ending of the looking glass wars by frank beddor?

Question: Question about the ending of the looking glass wars by frank beddor!?
okay i just re-read this book (LOVE IT!.) and i remember the first time i read it the ending confused me!. but i wasn't on answers at the time so i kinda ignored it!.

but at the end alyss sees queen genevieve in a looking glass and she's like "it's all in your head!."
and alyss is like "i know, isn't it wonderful!?"

does she mean like the way things ended is in her head!?
or all of wonderland!?

by the way, i haven't read the sequel yet (i haven't been able to get into it) so if its explained or whatever in that then please don't ruin it for me!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it just means that Alyss now is in control if Wonderland and her power, the White Imagination, comes from her head!. I haven't read Seeing Redd either, so I don't relly know for sure!. I just finished The Looking Glass Wars yesterday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com