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Question: TWILIGHTQUOTE for today!!?!!?!READ!!?
Anybody already read the quote!?!?Ehat do you think bout THAT:

Edward: "You look so guilty—like you've committed a crime!."

OMG I think he's talking to Jacob!What do you think!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He can read everyone elses mind!. He's usually to the point with others, answering their thoughts eg!. "You didn't commit a crime, calm down" rather than commenting on their body language!.
He only has to read body language with BellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

You really can't be sure but i think that it has to be someone from the family!. Just because Edward and Bella are the main characters in the story it really doesn't mean that every Quote is about them, there area other characters in the story too!. Don't forget that!. that Quote doesn't necessarily have to do with something really big it could have to do with something really small and stupid!. For example, someone could have driven Edward's car and broken it and they are really feeling guilty about it!.

My point is don't get all stressed about the quotes of the day because the book is going to come out in just a few days and i am sure that everyone that is going to get it is not going to be able to put it down until they finish the whole book !. And i definitely put myself i that category!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, So I don't think Edward would do anything to hurt Bella, so I HOPE he's talking about Bella or Alice, maybe Rose but I think more Bella or Alice!. My sister and I are hoping Tanya doesn't try to "get Edward back," even through she never had him in the first place!. Gosh, I hate waiting, the closer it gets the harder it is lol!.!.!.!.=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont worry too much she picked these quotes to be misleading so it wont be as if jacob or bella has done something horrible!. i was a bit shocked when i first read that because i didnt know who he was talking to but i think its bella!. it will be about something small and insignificant!.


He would know what was wrong with anybody else I think it is almost definatly towards Bella!.I wonder what she did here are some theories!.

Went and met a Dragon/Troll!.
Kissed Aro!.
Went on a date with Mike then,kissed him!.
All very unlikely scenarios but,funny!.

Team Edward!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that he's either talking to Bella or Alice!.
Alice is more likely, although Bella might have went to see Jacob or something, it's either of the two!. In my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's talking to Bella I think!. Dunno what about!. Just to me it sounds like something he wouldn't say to anyone else but Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would have to be either Bella or any other human who doesn't know he could read minds!.!.!.maybe Mike!.!.!.!.maybe Mike's scheming to get Bella and Edward knows what he's up to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

AHAHAHAHA if he was talking to Jake what did Jake do then!?
HAHAHAHA! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he is talking to Bella!. She always feels guilty when she does something wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Think His talking to Bella!.!. LOL Maybe she broke Jacob heart again and She looked guilty!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

or bella!.!. like if she went to see jake and she came home to edward =[Www@QuestionHome@Com