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Question: Alice and Jasper support t-shirts!?
The only couple I like in the Twilight series is Jasper and Alice!. I feel their love is the most deep and true and I've been a hopeless romantic when it comes to them!. If anyone could tell me a great Alice/Jasper love, Alice, or Jasper t-shirt to wear for the Breaking Dawn release party I would highly appreciate it! Something more original than a quote please!. Sayings to write on a shirt and/or links to specific ones would be great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there is a whole bunch of twilight merchandise on this site, there are also alot for every character and breaking dawn too!. This is where i ordered my breaking dawn shirt :D Though it may be too late to order one and get it on time (unless you wanna pay like 12 bucks extra) you can still make your own shirt using these as ideas of what you might want to put on your shirt
