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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Harry Potter + The Deathly Hallows: Significance of Lily's eyes?

Question: Harry Potter + The Deathly Hallows: Significance of Lily's eyes!?
I remember reading in mugglenet how there would be a significance in the 7th book, about the real importance on the reason why Harry has his mothers eyes and why in every book, they seem to always talk about it!.
When I read the book, I noticed it right away, what the significance was!. But now I completely forgot, and I cant figure it out anymore! If anybody has read the 7th book, can somebody tell me what the importance was about Harry having his mother's eyes!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Severus Snape and James Potter hated each other!. However, Severus loved Lily Potter and was racked with guilt over his part in her death!. Harry looked just like James and every time Snape looked at Harry he was reminded of all the awful things James did to him!. Due to this Snape was never able to form a positive relationship with Harry!. The exception to Harry's resemblance with James did not include his eyes!. Harry had Lily's eyes!. This was a constant reminder to Snape of his guilt and of what Voldemort could do!. No matter how Snape felt about Harry, it was Lily's eyes that kept Snape committed to Harry and what he had to do to protect him and help him defeat Voldemort at any cost!."

PS - I love HP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry's got Lily's eyes
Snape was in love with Lily
Lily chose James instead of Snape
Snape looks into Harry's eyes and is reminded of the fact that Lily never loved him back

also!.!.!.It reminds Snape of how he was partly responsibly for Lily's death!.

AND !.!.!.!.The fact that Harry had Lily's eyes was the only reason that Snape was protecting Harry and ultimetly died for him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're the main part of him that's like his mother!. Snape was in love with Lily - Harry having her eyes causes him to remember her every time he looks at him!. That, besides guilt for playing a part in Lily's death, is basically the singular reason he works so hard to protect Harry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OH-MY-GOD! Same thing happened to me! I remember that there was this extreme importance of her eyes, but I have no clue what it meant anymore!.

I think it might have to do with something when he dies and sees all his guardians in the forest!.!.!.but other than that no clue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

his mother's love!. she set an ancient spell on him to protect him!. it set him apart from voldy and it helped him defeat voldy!. o wait that's not it, i totally forgot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The importance was what Snape did to save Harry because he could see Lily in Harry's eyes!. Snape would have never saved him in the first place if Harry wasn't Lily's son!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because Snape was in love with lily!. So the fact that harrys eyes were like his mothers reminded snape of her!. That way he protected him from the evil guy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com