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Position:Home>Books & Authors> OMG! who else is obsessed with the twilight series??

Question: OMG! who else is obsessed with the twilight series!?!?
which book do u like the best!?
i cant wait for the movie to come out!. do u think it will be good!?
and!.!.whose excited for breaking dawn!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm so obsessed i consider myself to have OCD (obsessive Cullen disorder)! I like Eclipse the best, New Moon in second, Twilight in third!. I can't wait for the movie either and it will hopefully be good and i can see every single person they cast in the movie playing the characters they are! I can't even think about Breaking Dawn because i get too excited!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everybody on here, it seems, except me!.

Personally I hear the word 'vampires' and 'romance' and practically come up in a rash induced by the literary horror I experience!. But it seems like everyone else thinks it's the best thing as sliced bread!.

So go crazy!. Rave about it all you like, you won't be alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey! Ive just spend the two last night reading the first book!. I really think its great and i cant wait to read the other two!. I also think the cast for the movie is great, but i just prefer the way i had imagined it myself!.!.!. However, i am so exited to see it!. Robert Pattinson is really good looking, just the way i thought Edward should be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read something well written, like!.!.!. Jane Austen or even the Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray, and then compare it to Twilight!.

It's entertaining enough, but NOT well written and NOT worth obsessing over!. In a few months (or maybe even a year!.!.!.!.) you'll understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!!!!!!!!!! I am annoying my friend so much because I bring up the fact that!.!.!.!.!.ONLY 7 MORE DAYS!!!!! AAAAAHHH! i am so phsyched! I'm not as excited for the movie, but Stephenie Meyer really likes it, so who nows!. Robert Pattinson is such a good person to play Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am! I like twilight the best , eclipse second best , and new moon third best!. Yes I think the movie will be good , I'm already planning on it becoming my favorite movie! I am so excited for breaking dawn , I really hope it turns out the way I want it to!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SERIES!! i read it every day and when im done with it, i re-read it!. i like twilight the most and the movie is probably going to be awsome!. cant wait for 8!.2!.08!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I am!! I am also excited about the movie!. I would have to say that the first book is by far the best! She could have stopped at it and I would have been happy!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the other 30 people with posts about it certainly are:)
New Moon was the best, cry every single time
I don't think the movie will be good because they shotty cast it, Jacob is better looking then Edward and Alice is totally offWww@QuestionHome@Com

me i love them
august 1st @ midnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i have read janne austen and the emma doyle series
and the twilights series is still soooo much better
SO HA!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!. OMG!!!! I can't wait for the movie!!! I can't wait for breaking dawn!!! Twilight rocks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love all of them!!! and sooo cant wait for breaking dawn to come out!!! and i think the movie will be fantastic! team edward!!! <33333Www@QuestionHome@Com
