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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Getting published in Ebooks (electronic books) or hard copy books.?

Question: Getting published in Ebooks (electronic books) or hard copy books!.!?
I was wondering if Ebooks are just as marketable as hard copy ones!. You see, I am writer or a novelist, and I'm a little bit skeptical to submit my book to a ebook publishing company!. In computers or the internet, it is very simple to download things illegal, so I don't know I wil make too much profit if my book gets sold in the internet!. Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I suggest you publish them as normal books get published!.
People tend to discard e-books they get for free - books that are pirated - and prefer a regular book!.
I have a ton of e-books in my documents which I'm dying to read, but somehow never read them: I want real copies!.
But that's just my opinion!.
Congratulations on your upcoming book!.

God bless!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just to let you know my opinion, a hard copy book will always be head and shoulders above ebooks!.
Besides the real doubts you express about ebooks (which should settle the question for you, since you've written them out now), there is the also conundrum this world faces on levels of energy consumption and how it's made, meaning electricity!.

Without electricity, people who only read ebooks or use computers in other ways will have nothing to fall back on; no actual books to read!.

Hard copy books have been around for many centuries, and will continue to hold a number one spot in publishing, due to at least one reason: the foibles of electricity consumption!. A second reason: most people like to have at least the opportunity to hold and read a book in positions other than sitting at a computer or holding a laptop!.

also, Kindle books as offered by Amazon, and all its cousins, require rather expensive initial equipment many readers don't want to buy, then require compatible forms of publications!. Too many requirements are necessary to make that work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's a toss-up!. Although you might not make as much money if it gets illegally downloaded (but you can have it published in someone's proprietary format, like Microsoft Reader, to help prevent that), since it costs almost nothing to copy a computer file, as opposed to the costs of printing a book on paper and binding it and all that!. So, submit it to a company that publishes in formats that have some sort of protection against being randomly downloaded, and don't let it get out as a PDF (cause anyone can view those with no special software) and you should be good as far as profits go!.

Or, you could just have it published both ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com