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Position:Home>Books & Authors> easy are they to publish when you are not famous?

Question: Autobiography!.!.!.!.how easy are they to publish when you are not famous!?
I wrote my story 8 years ago!. I found a publisher out of the dozens I contacted who was interested in the book but thought it needed amendment!. My life took a turn for the worst and I was unable to touch it!. I now realise the Universe had lent its hand in order to add to the story 8 years later, thus making it complete!. I am now ready to re-write it and send it out again!. As I am a so called "no-one" but with a damn good story to tell, I want to ask, how does a no-one get published!? Can a great story and accomplished writing make it all on its own!. And do you like these three proposed titles: "70,000 Camels" (referring to an incident that coins my life) "Machiavellian Madonna" (a name a good friend bestowed on me characterising my personality), or "Trillogy" (my surname being Trillo and the book being compiled in 3 parts) All advice will be met with the deepest gratitude!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try sending it to a few publishers again!. If any of them think it will sell in reasonable quantities they might publish it, with or without an advance!. Or simply offer you royalties on sales!.

If that doesn't work there's always the 'Vanity Press' for those who want to see their story in print and are prepared to pay for it themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's probably easier to publish the book than to sell it after publishing I would think!. Once you publish, you have to market somehow!. How do you get people interested in a story written about someone who isn't famous!? Not a clue!.!.!.sorry! LOL!! Good luck, though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

make it look like a diary, people are always interested in others dairies!. good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com