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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think about the book 'The City of Ember' turning into a film

Question: What do you think about the book 'The City of Ember' turning into a film!?
Its preview is on Youtube if you want to see it!. I didn't like the Lina charactor, but what about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just hope they don't mess the story up like in Eragon or The Dark is RisingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well I am a pretty avid reader and give all books a fair shot when reading them and almost never stop in the middle of a book unless I absolutely detest it and I was soooo close with City of Ember!. I thought it was a good idea written very poorly and had an incomplete plot and I disliked the characters and thought none of them where very well drawn out!. So I personally don't see how they can make a movie out of a horrible book!. So I'm expecting a horrible movie!. Every book these days are being turned into a movie!. Thankfully since City of Ember was so terrible they can't make the movie much worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

meh!. I really dug the book, but Science Fiction is so much nerdier in movies than in books!. i think it has a lot of potential to become incredibly lame!. but if they pull it off, cool!. I really hope they don't make a movie of the People of Sparks, though, because I thought that was the lamest sequel since Little Men!.

Actually, I didn't actually dislike Little Men!. I just couldn't think of any other sequels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com