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Question: Part of my book!?
As I looked at the guy sitting next to me, a million thoughts came rushing through my head!. But with the slightest sound of his voice I could think of nothing but the words coming out of his mouth!. “What are you thinking!?” He gave me that smirk that somehow sent chills down my spine!. What had I been thinking!? I couldn’t even remember!. All I knew is that I had been thinking about him, and I was not about to admit that!. “Nothing!.” Was all I could manage!. The look on his face was less than amused!. “Nothing!? I don’t believe that!. You have to be thinking something!. Tell me what!.” ****! I never was good at making stuff up off the top of my head!. I needed something believable!. Wait, why did I care if he knew what I was thinking!? It wasn’t like I liked him or anything!. The thought wasn’t even convincing to me!. Where was this coming from!? Ok he wasn’t too terrible to look at, and he was really smart, kind of funny, maybe just a little charming!. I felt the car pull to the side of the road andWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It could use some work, but I think it's actually pretty good!. ^^
It is interesting, and most definitely presents a conflict!. The narrator's voice is strong, and we find out just enough about the guy she's with to keep us interested!. Some of the dialogue sounds!.!.!. I don't know, off!? But it's not anything major!.

Guy's names time!
Dean, Kyle, Jack, Vincent, Carter, TylerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!! Just the fact that the girl was getting so pissed off made me laugh!. The girl, (Jaycee, I think her name was) seems very personable, good job for not making her perfect! The boy actually started angering me too, so you definately got the girl's point across!. As for the boy's name!.!.!. it probably depends on his character, his personality!. A good idea is to just start looking through a baby names book!. You can skim, and find a name that's meaning parallels his personality!. Or just make one up that fits him, whatever floats your boat!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is pretty interesting!. i mean i don't know the story line or anything!.!.!.but it sounds pretty good!.

i have to say though, the way the bicker and the way the guy acts reminds me a lot of bella and edward in twilight!. i dont know if you've ever read that!.!.!.but yeah!. just putting that out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com