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Question: How do I get motivated to write!?
I always have!.!. okay ideas for stories!. But I always seem so reluctant to write!. I want to be an author when I'm older but writers write everyday!. I can't even do that!. I practically have to force myself to write and then end up throwing it away!. I want to write the stories though!. It's harder to write stories then it is to read them for me, even though I like writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have the same problem when I try to write the story out as it's supposed to be read, from start to finish!.

One thing that helps my motivation is to write out the scenes that pop into my head when they do drop by, and then later on rearrange and connect everything!. also, if you haven't already, try spending some time just closing your eyes and letting yourself see the scenes happen!. Let the story live in your head for a while before trying to put it down!.

But never force yourself!. As I'm sure you've noticed, that hardly helps the quality of the end result!. Write what you can, when you can!. Even if it's just a line!. Rome wasn't built in a single day and all that!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writers block!.
Take a walk, read a story, sing a song, jam out in public, do something that inspires you!.

If that doesn't work----are you sure you want to be a writer!?
Because being a writer does not only mean working hard--but it also means LOVING what you do and not FORCING yourself to do it!.

BTW: Your avatar is so cool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think that it's writers block, seeing as the problem is that you're reluctant to write!.

I think you like the idea of what being a writer would bring!. I just hope you know how hard it is!. You have to put the work in!.

I say take a creative writing class or course, whatever!. Then you will have something to push you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to find something that inspires you- music, movies, nature, other books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com