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Question: Novel question!?
If you aren't the best at editing for grammar and punctuation, would editors mind taking your book to edit!? I read that a couple of editors send back books because the author didn't have great grammar and punctuation!. is this just because the editors are lazy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, it's because editors only want to read a polished manuscript!. If you don't care enough to take time to practice spelling and grammar, then you're not really doing your entire job as a writer!.

It takes extra time and effort to get through misspelled words and poor grammar!. There's enough writers submitting work out there who do care enough to take the time to learn that editors don't need to sort through messy work!.

Just have a friend, or parent, proofread it for you!. If you don't feel comfortable with that, ask if there's an English tutor or teacher who would be willing to do it for you!. Though it's cheaper, and easier, just to learn it now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Editors who work at publishing houses aren't lazy!. They're swamped!. They get hundreds of manuscripts on their desk every week!. They honestly haven't got the time to baby writers who can't deliver professional goods!.

If you're not good at grammar and punctuation, find someone who can critique you!. Better yet, get good at it yourself!. Try Strunk & White's ELEMENTS OF STYLE!. It's a little stiff and dry, but the rules are all right there!.

You never want to send an editor anything that's less than your best!. It's a waste of their time and yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the best way to find an editor that will work on your book is to find a literary agent!. you don't pay the agent, but they'll get a small portion of the profits if your book becomes popular!. they're really good at finding trustworthy editors that will help you with your book (sometimes on the plot and characters as well as the grammer and puntuation)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely not!. You must remember that editors receive an enormous quantity of manuscripts to read!. Unless your work is error-free, or nearly so, and properly laid out, then they simply throw it out!. Find someone who is capable of editing your work; friend, relative, teacher, or go online!. There are editing services out there, but be careful!. Some are phonies!.

Hope this has helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the book is so sloppy and grammatically incorrect, the editor might send it back!. Not so much because the editor is lazy, but because the book was so badly written that he/she wouldn't be able to figure out what was correct!.


It really depends on the quality of the material you send to them!. If the book isn't too great, they won't bother!. If it's good stuff, there's a chance they will take it to edit!. If not, you can always pay them to!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eric G, right on the dot!. Plus if you're going to be lazy about your end, than why complain if they're lazy about theirs!?

They're not, but you see my point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com