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Question: The Lobsang Rampa series!.!.!.who knows them and what do you think of his reports on metaphysics!?
I am a huge fan of his, so be kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gosh, that takes me back, too! I read all (I think) of his books, and tried all his suggestions on astral travel, etc!. I never managed them, though!

Without looking him up, wasn't he debunked as a plumber from south-west England!? Though I seem to remember that one book told how his own body wasn't able to sustain him any longer and he had to choose a new one, which happened to be this Englishman's!.

Even so, I find it quite remarkable that a plumber in those days would know so much!. He advises drinking water; nowadays we know that drinking water every day is a good idea!. He was also a bit grumpy, perhaps understandably, but in some ways he seemed to write quite a lot of sense!.

I think you can read the books free online, too, so must have a look - all my books got lost somewhere along the way!.

Thanks for reminding me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Lobsang Rampa series are interesting, however there are many other perspectives available that I find more helpful and inspiring!.

Examples; The “Sarah” series by Ester hicks, For more down to earth books I enjoy the expressions of “OSHO” that inspire rebellion from personal enslavements!. !. !. I also enjoy various books by Guy Finley or Vernon Howard!. Hazrat Inayat khan is pretty fantastic, one of his writings is entitled “Cosmic Language!.”

Of course if you want mostly entertaining stories there are many works of fiction available and you will find them as you continue looking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, does this take me back or what!?

