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Question: Do you know a book that has!?
Do you know a book that has!?
I want a book that's like this!?
like it needs to have some quotes that i can relate to just some quotes for exapmle ; dont judge a book by its cover so then i would write how does that relate to my personality so yah a book with some quotes at an age level between 13 - 15 and not to long thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For Teens Only: Quotes, Notes and Advice You Can Use by Carol Weston, '03
--256 pages!.

Who Said What!?: Philosophy Quotes for Teens by Dale Carson, '03
--224 pages!.

Life Lists for Teens: Tips, Steps, Hints and How-Tos for Growing Up, Getting Along, Learning and Having Fun by Pamela Espeland, '03
--264 pages!.

Fighting Invisible Tigers: Stress Management for Teens by Earl Hipp, '08
--160 pages!.

My hint to you: these books have short lists or quotes on each page, so the page number is somewhat irrelevant!. I looked inside so I'd know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've learned from my old Literature classes that Benjamin Franklin used many aphorisms!. He's famous for many of his short books that just have the aphorisms he had!. Here are some:

He wants a short book of quotations that he can comment on!.

if you go to bn!.com, you can search for books that might work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



restate the frickin' question!!! i can't really understand what ya want!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont understand the question!?

Oh read Twilight!Www@QuestionHome@Com