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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I want a book that's like this?

Question: I want a book that's like this!?
like it needs to have some quotes that i can relate to just some quotes for exapmle ; dont judge a book by its cover so then i would write how does that relate to my personality so yah a book with some quotes at an age level between 13 - 15 and not to long thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From the top of my head the only books that I can think of that have quotes in them are the Chicken Soup for the Soul books!. They have some really good quotes in there!.

But besides books there's a website called thinkexist!.com that has some really good quotes!. Just type in what you want the quote to be about!.!.!.i!.e!. trust, love, etc!.

Hope it helps a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com