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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone ever written a book by committee?

Question: Has anyone ever written a book by committee!?
I was just wondering if anyone has ever written a book using a group of people!? Who would the writer be!? Would the others have to be paid!? I am interested in starting one and am looking for ideas!. See my profile for further info!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, there was (and still is I believe) a group called The Detection Club which wrote many books together like The Floating Admiral by Agatha Christie, Dorothy L!. Sayers, G!. K!. Chesterton, Canon Victor L!. Whitechurch, G!.D!.H!. and M!. Cole, Henry Wade, John Rhode, Milward Kennedy, Ronald A!. Knox, Freeman Wills Crofts, Edgar Jepson, Clemence Dane and Anthony Berkeley!.

Another one was called Behind the Screen by Agatha Christie, Dorothy L!. Sayers, E!.C!. Bentley and others!.

In the case of these books, each writer took a chapter of the story and wrote it!. They weren't allowed to throw in completely unrelated people or things but had to build on what was already written!. Each author, also, had to write their own conclusion to the mystery based on what came before!. I just read The Floating Admiral; it was really good!.

Though I don't know how The Detection Club worked, I would think if the work is published that every writer would get a portion of the proceeds and his name on the book!.

There was another question like this before which you may want to check out: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.

I hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Years ago, some women I knew in an AAUW (American Associton of University Women) chapter collaborated on wirting a gothic romance, Shadow and Shield, under the pen name Alice Anna Underwood (AAUW)!. Thy worked out an outline ahead of time, and then each of them wrote a chapter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would not attempt it unless you are willing to set the rules, establish the group, making the decisions about pay etc!.
First step is to get an agent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think soWww@QuestionHome@Com