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Question: Ultimate Harry Potter Question!?
Snapes killed Dumbledoore!? Is it true!?
How and why!?

My friend told me but I couldn't wait to know!.

(Spoiler Warning!. You've been warned!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, Dumbledore arranged for Snape to kill him to save Malfoy!. It's a long complicated story!. You need to read it to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It technically wasnt a murder!. Dumbledore and Snape planned for Snape to "seem" to kill him!. The truth was that Dumbledore was already dieing!. He accidently put on a ring that had a killing curse on it one year before and Snape basically "paused" Dumbledores death!. And Malfoy was supposed to kill Dumbledore so Dumbeldore told Snape to kill him instead so that Malfoy would be spared the guilt of murdering someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Malfoy was going to kill Dumbledore, and Dumbledore knew that, so he told Snape to "kill" him (Dumbledore)!. It was all arranged!. You should read the books, it's much better than to wait 3 more years cos in case you didn't know, the Deathly Hallows will be broken into two parts!.
Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010)
Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)


Snape kills Dumbledore!.

With the killing curse on top of the Astronomy Tower!.

Because Dumbledore wanted Snape to because Dumbledore was going to die anyway from that potion that he made Harry make him drink!.

Sorry I just ruined a major part of the excitement for you!.

Go Fan Fiction!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Snape killed Dumbledore!. He arranged for Snape to kill him instead of Malfoy having to do it!.

Read the 6th and 7th book and watch the movies when they come out!. Half Blood Prince comes out in November of this year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why don't you go read the books! They're amazing, I just reread the entire series again, they never get old! But yes, it is true, but Dumbledore was already dying and he told Snape to kill him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep, thats true - but then it was all planned as Dumbledore was approaching death anyways, so might was well be killed by Snape than by a boy ( Malfoy)!. Good book - u better read it!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is true!.!.!.It was on in the plan to save Malfoy!.!.!. Dumbledoore arranged for Snape to kill him!. You should read the book it is very good:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was arranged!.

im gonna miss you :(

EDIT: lol, I just put up a picture of Hagrid!!! Stupid me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes he did because voldemort told him to!. he killed him with avada kedavra!. but he was never truly bad!.

hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

try reading the books sometime!. the movies are way worse than the books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

3 WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


