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Question: How to write a screenplay/script!?
okay i need help with this, assume that i am like a total retard in the subject!. i have no knowledge of this at all!.

i need to know like what is the format for writing screenplays (like for a movie or show) !? how do you do it!? do you need a certain kind of software!? if so what and where can i get it!? how long does it take!? and any other info you got!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, retard is offensive, so watch it!.

Second, you can write a screenplay in Microsoft Word!.

Here is a good website that gives you an outline on how to do it properly:


If you have any other questions, send me an email and I'll help you out!. I have written some in the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One good website is www!.writersdigest!.com!. There you will get writing tips on everything about screenplays, from writing them (format, etc!.) to submitting them!. Be sure to check out the Archives or do a "screenplay writing" search on the site!. (I'm being ultra specific since you (offensively) mentioned being a "RETARD" (which means that you have a physical impediment to learning normally, so I think you just mean that you are completely "IGNORANT" on the subject--meaning you have no education on it)!. PRECISE words are very important in the writing world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com