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Question: Question regarding "The Time Machine" H!.G!. Wells!?
*SPOILER to those who have not read the story*
I have just finished the book, excellent story, but my question is what does the black creature with tentacles 13 million years into the future represent!?
Does it have any symbolic meaning!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Other than showing another form of dominant life on Earth in the far future, one that was totally alien to mankind, I don't believe Wells was deliberately representing anything specific!.
Since the aim of the book, aside from just being a good, gripping tale, was to show what might happen if society never progressed beyond an exploitive class system, the 13 million year future that the Time Traveler sees is the final and logical end result: humanity, and all trace of civilization, has disappeared forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com