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Question: What is comic-con!? and how is twilight related!?
everywhere i go, comic-con is mentioned!. i don't live in the US and i don't know what it is!. i saw in wikipedia and they say its a convention!. but what exactly is it!? is it a book store or a concert or what!?
and how is twilight related to it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Comic-Con is a convention (an event where many different vendors, companies, etc!. gather) where nerds, geeks, and hard core fans of a variety of things from Sci-Fi Movies to Anime, Manga, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star-Wars, to Fantasy, and, this year, Twilight!.

At Comic-Con many upcoming movies and TV shows are pre-viewed with exclusive clips, stars are interviewed, etc!. for the film!. Twilight was a big part of the movie section today!.

But it's a Multi-Genre thing, and doesn't only have to do with Twilight (Twilight's just a huge part of it this year)!. The best way I can describe it, is it's a big building with lots of events, interviews, merchendise, contests, and give-aways themed around things that have massive cult-like (usually geeky) fandoms!.

!.!.!.I wish I could have gone!.!.!. lol (I feel pathetic!. I used to make fun of those ppl!.!.!. haha, never again)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No concert!. It is a convention in which the industry members (artists, writers, and readers of comic books) meet on a yearly basis!. Think of it as the equivalent of a trade convention but involving comic books!. Comic books include graphic novels in this country, so it's becoming really big!. How is it Twilight related to it!? Well, if the books are going to be made into comics and graphic novels that's how!. Additionally, conventions like this are used to promote movies, and the like, and I think that's what was being promoted there, the movie!.

Right now many popular paranormal romance and urban fantasy novels are being made into graphic novels and/or comics!. Some authors I can think of are Christine Feehan (Dark series), Sherrilyn Kenyon (Lords of Avalon) and Laurel K!. Hamilton (Anita Blake)!. I do see Twilight being turned into one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a comic convention but over the years its featured more stuff!. Like the biggest upcoming movies of the year!.
Summit has a twilight booth this year!.
Today the cast came & answered questions & the screaming from the fans was amazing!.
if you watch the channel G4 tomorrow they are showing 3 hours of the second day & Twilight will be a part of it!.
You can also go to google & type MTV twilight tuesday & there should be some videos from it on the movie blog!.

also if you have myspace add Twilight Fixation & they have a bunch of videos =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's a convention originally for comic books!. So then comics were made into movies and went there for Q&A and promotion!. But then just sci-fi stuff in general started going there too!. So since twilight(book being made into a movie) is sci-fi the cast, director, and SM (the author) were there for a Q&A today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IT's mainly a comic/manga/anime/movie(sorta) convention!. It's related to Twilight because Stephenie is doing a signing thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

comic con is where every comic book geek in america go to hang out and talk about marvel or dc comics or to talk about movies like the dark knight or video games since they also do movies twilight is also featuredWww@QuestionHome@Com