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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Okay...I totally forget....(About Twilight...>.<)?

Question: Okay!.!.!.I totally forget!.!.!.!.(About Twilight!.!.!.>!.<)!?
Okay, there was a vampire from the other!.!.!.good clan thing!.!.!.!.

I'm sorry, I haven't read the books in ages!.!.I'm forgetting so much!.!.!.

I think her name might have been Tanya or something!.

Anyway, I was always a little foggy about her relationship with Edward!.!.!.were they together for some time, or did she just like him!? I'm so confused, and this is BUGGING THE HELL OUT OF ME!!!


And I can't get the darn books for a few reasons!.!.!.

1!. I'd have to scan through all the books until I find anything related to this other family
2!. The books are in my sister's room, which is downstairs, past my dad, and it's 2:15 am
3!. I can't remember the names of these people, so even if I did get the book and skim, I wouldn't be able to find anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with the other two answerers!.

I can't remember if it was in New Moon or Eclipse that this was brought up, but Bella learned (I think through Alice!.!.!.but I'm not sure on that one so don't quote me on it) somehow that another vampire named Tanya had a very large interest in Edward!.

When a slightly jealous Bella asked Edward about it, he nonchalantly shrugged it off by replying that he "prefer[s] brunettes!."

Basically I think Tanya had a large crush on Edward and everyone wanted them to be together (maybe!? I know that originally Rosalie and Edward were meant for each other but how weird would that be!?!) but Edward wasn't interested!. Of course, he let Tanya down easily!. Edward might be disinterested in someone but he'd still be polite!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The other coven goes by the name of the 'Denali' clan, because they reside in Denali, Alaska!.

There is Tanya, Irina, Kate, Carmen, and Eleazar (spelling!?)!.

She never had a relationship with Edward from what Stephenie has said!. Tanya took interest in Edward, but he didn't reciprocate the feelings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do believe that Tanya had large, large intrest in Edward, but he did not return the feelings!.

:/ That's how I remember it, and i've read all three seven times through!.
correct me if i'm wrong though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tanya liked Edward a lot, but Edward didn't like tanya that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com