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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have you ever gotten extremely attached to a character in your story?

Question: Have you ever gotten extremely attached to a character in your story!?
On New Years eve, around 12:15, I finished my first novel!. As time progressed to now, I found I became more and more attached to one of my characters(not that I wasn't already)!.

I think it might be because of what happened to him in the end, but I feel like I'll fall into this insane depression if I don't meet someone like him!. I'm really starting to doubt my sanity here, and it scares me!. I wouldn't mind being a little crazy, but it scares me thinking about what other people might say!. People have already pointed out that I'm completely obsessed with/in love with him!. And I have no doubt that I should have some sort of emotional attachment to him, because one, he was my character!. He CAME from me, and two, he was the love interest of my main character, who's loosely based on me!.

I've started thinking about things I hadn't included in the book, such as his birthday and favorite things!.
I don't know!. I just get really scared sometimes--to the point of crying--whenever I think about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I am!. And it's ok!. I mean, though, it's ok for a writer like you and me!. Or it's normal!.
Writers usually write their characters base on what they like to others or of themselves!. Example, a female writer wrote her fiction character which is a man which this man reflects (his characteristics) to what kind of man she wants to marry!.
I admit, with intense frankness, writers do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe not to that extent, but there was a time where certain characters were ones I would have loved to have known!.!.!. some in a romantic way like Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre, and others just because I wanted to sit down and talk to them about anything and everything like Sydney carton from A tale of Two Cities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

man im completely obsessed with my first character ever made, and now hes in everything i do, btw his name is Stoned Bobo and hes a sword wielding syco demon, hell bent on killing his arch nemesis my friends char Drunken MohoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sadly yes, in amelia atwater rhodes' book hawksong, i fell in love with danica, i was so attached to her i could feel everything she did to that cobriana guy!.

Help a guy out:

yes, so bad to the point that I have dreams about them or they'll "talk" to me in the middle of the night!. I think ever writer is a little insane :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't be!. I feel the same way about certain characters of mine sometimes!.

It's perfectly natural!. :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the community!. Evie is my first main character, and she is based on me, but so much better than I could ever wish to be!. I dream about my characters and they are constantly talking!. If I start to write something that doesn't suit them, they get angry with me!. I know it sounds so insane, but I think that writers are a special breed of insanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, i did!. even though i might be too young to write my own novel (i won't tell anybody how old i am), i just love this character called rei!.
which is who i based my name on!.
she's based on what i would like to be, if i had more freedom in my life: distant, emo-looking (just kidding about me wanting to be emo), have wings, totally cool

and of course, my book is only up to chapter oneWww@QuestionHome@Com