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Question: I have to read a book for school, but it's just so boring! Tips,!?
Ok, I have to read The Odyssey and 2 other books over the summer for school!. We're going to be tested on the first week of school!. In my opinion, all of this reading over the summer is pretty gay!. Oh well!.

So I started reading The Odyssey a few days ago, and it is boring me to death! You know how you read a page or two of a book, but you didn't pay attention to anything you were reading because your mind drifted off!? Well, I keep having to reread pages because it's so hard to focus on this book!. So yeah!.

How can I get over how boring this book is and just FOCUS on it!? Or just any tips about how to read this book!.!. Just tips that might help please! 10 points to best answer of course!. I'm dying of boredom here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well if your good at absorbing what you hear you could try getting it on audio and listening to it!. like i can kinda be doing something (like cleaning my room) and still focus on what i'm hearing (like the t!.v!.) but if that wouldn't work for you!.!.!.you could try the monks way, isolate yourself!. like stay in your room with everything off and just sit there and read!. (but thats really no fun) or if you don't mind a teeeeeeny bit of cheating and you don't think the test will be too hard there always cliff notes!.

thats all i've got!. good luck!
i have also yet to start my summer reading, not looking forward to it!. and i definitely find summer reading pointless as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Use this as a guide, it will tell you the main points,theme, and analysis of the book!. I would highly recommend reading the book though, and not just use this website as an easy way out!. It will be of benefit to you in the long run!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could find a summary or read the sparknotes before reading the actual book!. That way you already know what's happening, so you don't lose it all!. Hopefully!. ^^;Www@QuestionHome@Com

i could summarize the whole story of the odessey i personally liked the book dont know two other books thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

Look it up on google and find reviews and summaries on it!. also ask your classmates about it !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can a book be gay!? Stop being so immature; I have gay friends, and I am sick of seeing children like you basically insulting them!. Gay is NOT a synonym for stupid!.

Anyways, three books in what's left of the summer is a breeze!. Just take some time to read when there's nothing going on (no loud noise, no events, etc)!. I would also write down the # of pages you are going to read each day to get the three books done!.

Edit: I read your profile!. I love how you say you're a Christian, but here you insult gay people by using that phrase!. Bit hypocritical, aren't you!? Aren't Christians supposed to be kind and loving!? Looks like you better go to church and pray because Lawd Almighty, you sure aren't being kind and loving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe there is some prescription drug that you could take!?
Or you could download a talking book of it from emule!. The danger is that it might send you asleep with the droning, or you might be tempted to do something else and yo ur attention will wander, so drink lots of coffee!.

Here is a summary:

You could probably get away with reading the summary and then picking out a few bits that you found less boring than the others and reading them!. In fact, doing it this way you'd probably remember more than if you read it through and your mind kept wandering!.!.!.

I agree, it does go on a bit and as interesting as a synopsis might be, having to read the whole thing is mind numbing!.

Poor you! I sympathise, I really do!. I had to endure reading it once too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com